We love you as much as we did before any of this happened. But aside from that, nothing's changed. (但是除了這些,沒有什麼改變) |
(一邊女兒一時無法接受) |
It's not really considered polite to talk about deaf people in the third person. (用第三人稱和聾人講話是不禮貌的) Well, what does he do when you are not around? (如果你不在,他該怎麼辦?) He actually isn't around people who don't sign that often. (他不會常和不會手語的人交流) He gets by. (他沒問題的) |
(怎麼講都聽不懂就是這樣) |
The better question is what are you doing here? (倒是妳,妳在幹嘛?) |
(藝術家的叛逆) |
This is not helping. (這無濟於事) If we had figured this out at the hospial, we would never have gotten Bay. I can't even be angry because I am so grateful. (我甚至無法生氣因為我是那麼的心懷感激) |
(無巧不成書) |
I have to protect you from yourself. (我必須站在妳的立場保護妳) Let them love you for who you are, not who they think you should be. (for:因為) |
(一邊家長較無法接受) |
I can't switch families or any like that. (我說不動家裡的人) My mom's two months behind on rent. (我媽拖欠了兩個月的房租) |
(兩個女兒坦然相見) |
Eh, what can I say? (我有什麼辦法?) Between the spanish and the signing, I'm lost. (西班牙文和手語之間 我聽不懂你們在說什麼) We'll see. (再看看吧) You are stuck with two mothers, whether you like it or not. (妳就是陷入了擁有兩個母親,無論你喜不喜歡) |
(偷偷到自己家坐坐) |
We agreed to this arrangement so I could get to know Bay and you could get to know Daphne. And frankly, I could use free rent. (而且,坦率地,我還能不用付房租) (更何況) But I'm sure you're about as thrilled to have me in your backyard as I am to be here. (about這裡應該是指"幾乎"、"大約") (thrilled:激動、緊張) |
(乾脆搬過來一起住比較好演) | ※Now you are about to hear the most incredible story. 現在妳即將聽到最不可思議的故事 |
若有錯落 請不吝指正 謝謝